December 18, 2013

New Fiscal Export Facility

The Curacao parliament has adpted a new and very broad export facility. This is really exciting news and I cannot wait to find out more about this. Sofar the following has been made public:

Expected profit tax rate roughly 4 percent;


At least 90 percent of the intended activities (income I presume) have come from abroad;

Real substance which means real presence on Curacao;

Following activities to fall under the scope of this new regime:

Export of products and services;

International trade and services;

Repair and maintenance of stuff that will be exported afterwards

Repair and maintenance activities executed abroad;

Financial services among other exting loans

Other services to foreign based clients

Excluded are activities like sadly enough those of your tax advisor. Same goes for e-zone by the way.

This new system appears to be competitive and compliant with international tendencies to have a strong substance in the country of domicile.

It is expected that this new regime will enter into force on January 1st 2014. I have the first client lined up for this so I am really excited to have a go at this.

Keep you posted!

Have a nice X-Mas and a great 2014!

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